

  • Health/Wellness

    Stress Relief and Acupressure Mats: A Guide to Managing Cortisol Levels and Achieving Hormonal Balance

    Are you a mom struggling to balance it all? Between work, kids, and household responsibilities, it’s no wonder that stress levels can be sky-high. And for many women, that stress can lead to hormonal imbalances that can wreak havoc on your bodies and minds. But what if I told you there was a simple, effective way to manage your stress levels and promote hormonal balance? Enter the acupressure mat. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Acupressure mat? That sounds like torture.” But trust me, this little tool is a game-changer when it comes to stress relief and hormonal balance. Here’s how it works: An acupressure mat is a cushioned mat…

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  • Health/Wellness

    How Hormone Imbalance & Anxiety are Related in Moms

    Hormone imbalance can cause a wide range of symptoms including mood swings, fatigue, weight gain, and more. One of the most common symptoms of hormone imbalance is anxiety, which can be particularly challenging for moms who are already dealing with the stress and demands of motherhood. Let’s explore the link between hormone imbalance and anxiety in moms, and then I’ll provide you some strategies to help with both. Understanding Hormone Imbalance Hormones play a crucial role in the body, regulating everything from metabolism to mood. When hormones are out of balance, it can cause a variety of annoying, unwanted symptoms, including anxiety. Hormonal imbalances can be caused by a variety…

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  • Health/Wellness

    Symptoms are Messages

    Often times when you’re suffering through a combination of symptoms, it can feel like your body is betraying you at every opportunity. But I have a challenge for you today: Stop thinking of those symptoms as your body betraying you, and instead think of them as your body’s way of communicating with you. Those symptoms are little messages from your body that it needs more or less of something. Think of what things could be causing your symptom(s)—sometimes there’s several possibilities. Tired? Maybe you need more rest, mineral support, better quality sleep. PMS? Maybe you need to reduce your toxin exposure, increase your fiber, Mood swings? Do you need to…

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  • Health/Wellness

    What can you learn from blood work? A client case study

    Last week I shared a post about examining blood work through a functional medicine lens & shared some of the things you can learn about your health that way. You can check it out here. To help you get a better picture of this, I want to share with you a client case study example! This client’s top 3 complaints are fatigue, weight loss, & anxiety. What I identified by reviewing her labs:-insufficient protein intake-stressed adrenals-dehydration-low potassium-deficiency in B vitamins-calcium deficiency-magnesium deficiency-intestinal malabsorption-low stomach acid production-inflammation-copper deficiency-iron deficiency anemia-heavy metal stress Once I’ve reviewed the numbers data, it’s important to review the client as a whole. In this case I…

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  • Health/Wellness

    Reviewing Blood Work with a Functional Medicine Lens

    When I work with clients, I typically recommend that they get some functional lab testing done; I always recommend HTMA testing and sometimes DUTCH testing. I feel that these tests give us the necessary data to make a truly customized plan for them to reach their goal of being hormonally balanced. But, what I’ve heard from several members of my community is that the cost of functional lab testing prevents them from working with me inside my program. I’ve also heard a strong desire to be able to utilize insurance to cover part of the costs. This is where the use of blood labs can be so beneficial. A client…

  • Health/Wellness

    So, tell me more about HTMA testing

    Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a simple & easy test you can collect from yourself at home & mail off the lab right from your mailbox! To do the test you clip a small sample of your hair and send the root (scalp end) to the lab. They send me the results & I’m able to examine each of the individual minerals and several heavy metals. There’s 37 data points in total! How is this helpful? Our body deposits minerals into our soft tissues (our hair is a soft tissue) in very specific patterns based on what’s going on within the body. From these patterns we gain insight into your thyroid…

  • Health/Wellness

    Working with a Hormone Coach

    Have you been wondering what it looks like to work with a hormone coach to fix your hormone imbalances? I can’t speak for all the hormone coaches out there, but I can certainly pull back the curtain on what it looks like to work with me! Each of my clients go through a three-step process: On-Going SupportMy clients & I work together for a minimum of 12-weeks, this time together includes weekly check-ins via email where I can provide support, answer questions, & hold them accountable on a certain habit or goal they are focused on for that week. Example: I recently had a client that really needed to focus…

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  • Health/Wellness

    One thing I Wish I had Known Before Stopping Birth Control

    This could alternatively be titled “One thing I Wish I Knew Before Starting Birth Control” but I try to give myself grace. I was only 17 years old when I started birth control & it was my provider’s responsibility to ensure I was making an informed choice……..something I feel like modern medicine is STILL failing women at. But we’ll save that conversation for a different day. What I wish I had known: birth control depletes minerals & vitamins. Including: folate, B vitamins, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E & more! Why would this be helpful to know prior to going off birth control? Having depleted vitamin & minerals is…

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  • Health/Wellness

    10 Signs of a Hormone Imbalance

    If you have 3 or more of those symptoms, it’s time to give your hormones some attention! I’ve created a 5-day Hormone Reboot challenge to get you started! You can start fixing your hormone imbalances anytime by clicking the button below & joining for free!

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  • Health/Wellness

    Finding Healing: A Journey to Empowering Women through Functional Medicine

    In 2018 I decided I was fed up with feeling like crap all the time. I was only 26 years old, but I was experiencing all sorts of unwanted symptoms. I’m talking frequent debilitating migraines, mood swings, depression, anxiety, diarrhea that had me fearful of eating out with friends or going to events, I was spotting between my periods, along with random other things. I had spent some time scouring the internet trying to figure out why a generally healthy 26-year-old, would somewhat suddenly be starting to experience all these symptoms. To make a long story short, the link I found between all these symptoms were that birth control could…