10 Signs of a Hormone Imbalance
If you have 3 or more of those symptoms, it’s time to give your hormones some attention! I’ve created a 5-day Hormone Reboot challenge to get you started! You can start fixing your hormone imbalances anytime by clicking the button below & joining for free!
Finding Healing: A Journey to Empowering Women through Functional Medicine
In 2018 I decided I was fed up with feeling like crap all the time. I was only 26 years old, but I was experiencing all sorts of unwanted symptoms. I’m talking frequent debilitating migraines, mood swings, depression, anxiety, diarrhea that had me fearful of eating out with friends or going to events, I was spotting between my periods, along with random other things. I had spent some time scouring the internet trying to figure out why a generally healthy 26-year-old, would somewhat suddenly be starting to experience all these symptoms. To make a long story short, the link I found between all these symptoms were that birth control could…
Why it’s important to address burnout before hormonal imbalances.
88.89% of my clients over the last year had burnout show up on their HTMA testing If you’ve been part of this community for a while you may have noticed over the last 4-5 months, I’ve shifted to talking a lot more about burnout specifically, and less about hormonal imbalances in general. Why? Two reasons: #1 Because I was noticing a trend in my clients……nearly every one of them had burnout. 88.89% of them to be exact. #2 When I polled this entire community, the #1 thing you said you’re struggling with is feeling like you don’t have enough energy. Why does this matter? Low energy, inconsistent energy, or consistently…
Setting up your Week
One of the things I see my clients and community members struggle with the most is feeling like they’ve failed. They start the week feeling very motivated, they tell themselves (or maybe others) that they’re going to eat healthy all week and workout every day. Then Wednesday hits and that motivation is starting to crumble, so they skip their workout for the day. Thursday comes and their kid gets sick, changing all their plans for that day. By Friday they’ve abandoned ship, are eating chips straight from the bag over the kitchen sink because they’re starving, and eat a whole sleeve of oreo cookies (with milk, cause duh) after dinner…
I Hate Meal Prepping.
I know some people LOVE to meal prep and are very passionate about it, but it’s just not my jam. I don’t know what I’m going to feel like eating on Thursday for lunch on Sunday afternoon. AND the thought of having to eat the same thing every day for lunch all week long makes me want to barf. However, I do agree that being prepared for the week is key for success, so I “meal prep” in my own way. Since my biggest gripe with traditional meal prepping is the lack of options & variety, I prep/keep on things that I can easily mix and match: -hard boil eggs…
What are your two nonnegotiables today?
If you follow me on IG or TikTok chances are you’ve heard me talk about 2NN or seen me post about it. You might’ve even seen “2NN” on my stories and thought what the hell is she talking about? 2NN is a practice I started doing off and on around 3 years ago, but have really focused on this year. The backstory: I once did Lyndsey Chambers’ Three for Me Challenge. The idea of the challenge is that you’re going to do 3 things for yourself each day that bring you joy. The rules are that these 3 things can be things you do ONLY for yourself, not someone else…
My health & why it’s Important
I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting lately on why I’m choosing to really prioritize my health this year. Is it a selfish reason like wanting to look good?Is it that I want to weigh a certain amount?Is it that I want to get back into those pre(ever)pregnancy jeans? All of those wants are valid reasons for making healthier choices. But, it’s not about those particular things for me. I went into this year with two personal goals in mind. #1 to feel good #2 to gain strength & feel strong in my body. Why? Because I want to be able to show up as my best self for my…
The Impact of Minerals
Our bodies are unable to make their own minerals, we must consume them through our diet. Having sufficient mineral levels is imperative for overall good health. Many of our minerals work together or impact one another, so having them in balance with one another is also very important! Today I’m doing a quick review of our four most important/most impactful minerals: Calcium (Ca) We consume calcium largely from dairy sources: milk, cheese, & yogurtOther high calcium foods: oranges, almonds, broccoli, spinach, okra, salmon, chia seeds Too high–slow thyroid, restless leg, constipation, kidney stones Too low-blood sugar fluctuations/drops, anxiety, histamine problems Magnesium (Mg) Magnesium rich foods: avocado, spinach, almonds, bananas, cashews,…
Thyroid Testing
If you’ve ever expressed to your provider that you have concerns about your thyroid function, you’ve most likely had some lab work performed. And when it came back, you were probably told the results were normal despite the laundry list of symptoms you are experiencing that led you to the visit with your provider in the first place. (Like: weight gain, feeling cold all the time, anxiety, depression, decreased heart rate, fatigue, memory loss, thinning hair, constipation, irregular periods) So let’s dive into those thyroid labs and uncover what they can tell us. TSH is how your brain talks to your thyroid. AKA it tells it how much thyroid hormone…
Loving our Liver for Detox
For optimal hormone balance it’s essential for our body to be able to detox and excrete the excess hormones we don’t need. Our liver is responsible for gathering up excess estrogen & getting it ready for excretion through our bowel movements. So how can we support this process? *Lessen the burden on the liver—aka help it not have to work so hard. -limit sugar intake, especially added sugarsyou’ll want to check your food labels for this one; sugar is hidden in a lot of products we wouldn’t suspect like salsa, spaghetti sauce, ketchup, etc. -cut out alcoholwhen we consume alcohol our liver’s job is to focus on clearing out the…