My health & why it’s Important
I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting lately on why I’m choosing to really prioritize my health this year.
Is it a selfish reason like wanting to look good?
Is it that I want to weigh a certain amount?
Is it that I want to get back into those pre(ever)pregnancy jeans?
All of those wants are valid reasons for making healthier choices. But, it’s not about those particular things for me.
I went into this year with two personal goals in mind. #1 to feel good #2 to gain strength & feel strong in my body.
Why? Because I want to be able to show up as my best self for my husband and my kids. I want to pick my kids up with ease. I want to run around the yard with them without being out of breath. I want to be able to play on the playground WITH them, not watch from the bench. I want to jump on their trampoline.
And I also want to be doing all of these things 30 years from now with my grandchildren.
I want to live a long & healthy life. I want to be in physically good shape as an “elderly woman”. I don’t want someone to have to wipe my butt for me. I want my independence until the day I die peacefully in my sleep.
I can’t have those things if I don’t take care of myself (mindset and body) now.
Being the busy mom of 3 kiddos that I am, it’s not always “easy” for me to prioritize nutrition, self care, or workouts. I’ve had to be very intentional about what I prioritize, where I put my energy, & what things I’ll allow to cause me stress. As with anything, some days are better than others. There are still days that are a complete shit-show around here and honestly I never expect that to change.
Over the next several weeks (& beyond) I’ll be sharing how I prioritize my health amongst all my other mom&wife responsibilities. Subscribe to my e-mail list to be notified when I share a new blog post so that you don’t miss out on any of this conversation.
Before I go I want to share a resource I’ve created that’s perfect for any busy Mom looking for ways to create more time in her life so that she can recommit to her health. Click here to download the “I don’t have time” Toolkit
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