  • Health/Wellness,  Podcast Episodes

    Investing in Your Health: The Right Time and Approach

    In the latest episode of my podcast, I do a deep dive into the journey towards investing in a personalized wellness plan. The aim is to help guide listeners to feel confident in whether they are ready to invest in their wellness journey, or not quite yet. One of the critical aspects we discuss in this episode is the role of HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) and DUTCH testing in designing a customized care plan. These tests provide actionable results, enabling us to devise a comprehensive care plan that includes lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and supplement suggestions. The discussion highlights the importance of these tests in gaining insights into your…

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  • Health/Wellness

    DUTCH Testing for Hormone Imbalance

    As women, our hormones play a significant role in our overall well-being. From fertility and mood to energy levels and sleep quality, hormonal balance is crucial. However, understanding the intricacies of our hormone levels can be challenging. This is where DUTCH testing comes in. In this blog post, we’ll explore what DUTCH testing is, how it is conducted, how it differs from traditional lab work, and who can benefit from this comprehensive hormone assessment. What is DUTCH Testing? DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) is an innovative testing method that provides a comprehensive analysis of your female sex hormones and stress hormones. Unlike traditional blood tests, DUTCH testing offers…

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