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  • Health/Wellness

    A Crash Course in Getting Better Sleep

    This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, we may earn a commission. Thanks! Getting quality, restful sleep is very important for our hormonal health & balance because of the many processes our brain and body does while we’re resting. These processes include cellular repair, hormone release, the brain stores new information, detoxification occurs, muscle repair, and much more! Tips for Better Sleep My hope is that you can walk away from this blog post, implement 1 or 2 of these tips, and start to see improvements in your sleep (& energy) pretty quickly! Then, with some time you’ll begin noticing improvements with you other…

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  • Health/Wellness

    Using a CGM to Optimize Health

    This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something we may earn a commission. Thanks Today feels like a good day to share about my experience using a CGM for the past 3ish weeks. I learned a lot about my body that I can now use to make more informed food, exercise, & lifestyle choices! Getting the CGM Prescription I used the company Tastermonial to obtain the prescription for my CGM. The process is very easy & simple, you add the prescription to your cart, check out, & then you are emailed a form to fill out that their physician uses to write your prescription. I…

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  • Health/Wellness

    Sneaking more Protein into your Diet

    I was recently asked by a community member to share some ways that I sneak extra protein into my diet. She didn’t say this, but I feel like that question came up because if we’re honest, it’s really freaking hard to get enough protein unless you are an absolute lover of meat and eat really meat heavy dishes. If you’re unfamiliar with how much protein you should be getting, in general, my recommendation is 0.8-1 gram per pound of body weight. That sounds a little complicated, so let me give you an example. For someone that is 150 pounds I would take 150 * 0.8 = 120grams and then 150…

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  • Health/Wellness

    Fertility Boosting Foods–Fueling your Body for Conception

    This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something we may earn a commission. Thanks. Once you’re ready to expand your family, optimizing fertility becomes a priority. While there are various factors that contribute to fertility, including hormonal balance and overall wellness, nutrition plays a crucial role in preparing your body for conception. By incorporating fertility-boosting foods into your diet, you can nourish your body with the essential nutrients it needs to support reproductive health and increase your chances of successful conception. In this blog post, we’ll explore a selection of fertility-boosting foods that can help fuel your body for the journey of conception. By incorporating…

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  • Health/Wellness

    DUTCH Testing for Hormone Imbalance

    As women, our hormones play a significant role in our overall well-being. From fertility and mood to energy levels and sleep quality, hormonal balance is crucial. However, understanding the intricacies of our hormone levels can be challenging. This is where DUTCH testing comes in. In this blog post, we’ll explore what DUTCH testing is, how it is conducted, how it differs from traditional lab work, and who can benefit from this comprehensive hormone assessment. What is DUTCH Testing? DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) is an innovative testing method that provides a comprehensive analysis of your female sex hormones and stress hormones. Unlike traditional blood tests, DUTCH testing offers…

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  • Health/Wellness

    Unlocking the Power of Calcium: Essential for Hormone Health and Beyond

    Let’s uncover the secrets of another mighty macro mineral that goes beyond building strong bones and teeth – calcium. Did you know that calcium plays a role in your hormone health, muscle function, insulin release, and more? In this blog post, we’ll dig into the importance of calcium, how it influences our hormones, the impact of calcium being out of balance, how to evaluate calcium levels with HTMA testing, and practical tips for incorporating calcium-rich foods into our diets. Let’s dive right in! Calcium and Its Multifaceted Role: Calcium is more than just a bone builder! It’s a mineral with superpowers that extend to various areas of our health: Striking…

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  • Health/Wellness

    When to Seek Professional Help for Hormonal Imbalances: Tune in to Your Body, Babe!

    We know that being a woman comes with its fair share of hormonal roller coasters. From mood swings to irregular periods, we’ve experienced it all. But how do you know when it’s time to wave the white flag and seek professional help for your hormonal imbalances? Let’s dive in and discover the signs that your body is sending, so you can take control of your health and rock that hormone harmony like a boss! We all have days when we feel a little off, but if your hormonal symptoms are interfering with your daily activities on the regular, it’s time to pay attention. When you find yourself struggling to concentrate…

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  • Health/Wellness

    How Hormone Imbalance & Anxiety are Related in Moms

    Hormone imbalance can cause a wide range of symptoms including mood swings, fatigue, weight gain, and more. One of the most common symptoms of hormone imbalance is anxiety, which can be particularly challenging for moms who are already dealing with the stress and demands of motherhood. Let’s explore the link between hormone imbalance and anxiety in moms, and then I’ll provide you some strategies to help with both. Understanding Hormone Imbalance Hormones play a crucial role in the body, regulating everything from metabolism to mood. When hormones are out of balance, it can cause a variety of annoying, unwanted symptoms, including anxiety. Hormonal imbalances can be caused by a variety…

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  • Health/Wellness

    Symptoms are Messages

    Often times when you’re suffering through a combination of symptoms, it can feel like your body is betraying you at every opportunity. But I have a challenge for you today: Stop thinking of those symptoms as your body betraying you, and instead think of them as your body’s way of communicating with you. Those symptoms are little messages from your body that it needs more or less of something. Think of what things could be causing your symptom(s)—sometimes there’s several possibilities. Tired? Maybe you need more rest, mineral support, better quality sleep. PMS? Maybe you need to reduce your toxin exposure, increase your fiber, Mood swings? Do you need to…

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  • Health/Wellness

    What can you learn from blood work? A client case study

    Last week I shared a post about examining blood work through a functional medicine lens & shared some of the things you can learn about your health that way. You can check it out here. To help you get a better picture of this, I want to share with you a client case study example! This client’s top 3 complaints are fatigue, weight loss, & anxiety. What I identified by reviewing her labs:-insufficient protein intake-stressed adrenals-dehydration-low potassium-deficiency in B vitamins-calcium deficiency-magnesium deficiency-intestinal malabsorption-low stomach acid production-inflammation-copper deficiency-iron deficiency anemia-heavy metal stress Once I’ve reviewed the numbers data, it’s important to review the client as a whole. In this case I…

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