  • Health/Wellness,  Podcast Episodes

    Understanding HTMA Retesting and its Impact on Optimal Health

    In this podcast episode we explore the importance of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) retesting in maintaining optimal health. HTMA testing provides insight into the body’s mineral status and its ability to handle stress. It’s an invaluable tool in health maintenance that allows us to examine mineral levels and heavy metal excretion using a small hair sample, both of which impact hormonal balance. An HTMA retest is important so that you can evaluate the effectiveness of the changes you’ve implemented since your initial test. I recommend retesting around the six-month mark to allow the body to adapt to the new changes and habits, and also allow enough hair growth that…

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  • Health/Wellness

    Symptoms are Messages

    Often times when you’re suffering through a combination of symptoms, it can feel like your body is betraying you at every opportunity. But I have a challenge for you today: Stop thinking of those symptoms as your body betraying you, and instead think of them as your body’s way of communicating with you. Those symptoms are little messages from your body that it needs more or less of something. Think of what things could be causing your symptom(s)—sometimes there’s several possibilities. Tired? Maybe you need more rest, mineral support, better quality sleep. PMS? Maybe you need to reduce your toxin exposure, increase your fiber, Mood swings? Do you need to…

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