  • Mom life

    Postpartum Recovery-2 months

    Disclosure: some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. If there were a February 29th, my baby would be 2 months old tomorrow! Does that mean we just get to skip and he gets to stay 1 month old longer, please? No…well, okay then…. Physical So I thought by this point I would have myself back into a movement/exercise routine. Let’s all take a moment to LOL at that. Ain’t happening. MAYBE after next week when I get into my new routine with working from home & the kids being…

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  • Mom life

    One of the Postpartum Struggles….

    Can we stop starting conversations with new moms by saying “What’re you doing?” or “What’ve you been doing today?” New moms are SENSITIVE; our hormones are fluctuating, we are emotional, we are sleep deprived, and it feels like we have the weight of the world on our shoulders trying to make sure we’re doing everything right for this tiny human (or humans) that literally depends on us to LIVE. Then there’s the impending return to work fast approaching giving us anxiety: will my baby be okay away from me? Will he take his bottles okay? Will he get enough snuggles? How will I keep everything done when I have work…

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