Health/Wellness,  Podcast Episodes

Understanding HTMA Retesting and its Impact on Optimal Health

In this podcast episode we explore the importance of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) retesting in maintaining optimal health. HTMA testing provides insight into the body’s mineral status and its ability to handle stress. It’s an invaluable tool in health maintenance that allows us to examine mineral levels and heavy metal excretion using a small hair sample, both of which impact hormonal balance.

An HTMA retest is important so that you can evaluate the effectiveness of the changes you’ve implemented since your initial test. I recommend retesting around the six-month mark to allow the body to adapt to the new changes and habits, and also allow enough hair growth that we are confident we’re looking at new data. While the frequency of retesting after this point may vary depending on individual circumstances, it’s generally recommended to continue retesting every six months until optimal mineral levels are achieved, then transition to once per year.

When doing a retest, it gives us the opportunity to tweak the customized care plan you received with your first test, which includes recommendations for dietary, lifestyle, & supplement changes. As you learn more about minerals and HTMA testing you’ll come to understand that although minerals are a great thing, too much of them can be just as bad as not having enough. For this reason, it’s important that we make supplement changes based on data, not just guessing so we can ensure you’re maintaining optimal levels and feeling your best!